
Business Model Canvas

Business model canvas


Business Model Canvas

Why this tool?

The step from a brilliant idea to a functioning vocational education public-private partnership requires thinking carefully about how you intend to create, deliver, and retain value. The Business Model Canvas guides you through this process.

What is the goal?

Find the balance between economic, civic, and social values in your public-private partnership that will allow you to serve your clients and thrive as an organization as well.

Who is it for?

The Business Model Canvas is a living document that public-private partnerships can return to time and time again. Young partnerships that are ready to turn dreams and ambitions into plans that will work. More experienced partnerships can use the canvas as an evaluation tool or to explore new business models.

The Business Model Canvas smooths the path for cooperation and collaboration within the Katapult  network. Many partnerships use the Canvas and therefore have a common language to use when sharing knowledge or participating in peer reviews. 

What is it?

The Business Model Canvas is a format with nine building blocks, a blueprint for systematically planning, designing, and implementing new business models. 

How can Katapult help?

Katapult can help you understand how to use the canvas in a vocational educational training context. We have experts with ample experience in PPP in vocational and professional education that can help guide you through the canvas. Of course we can provide you with the format of the Business Model Canvas as well, which can be used in face to face as well as digital meetings. Contact us through hello@wearekatapult.eu.

How do you use it?

Step 1
Complete a Business Model Canvas yourself (download the tool below the explanatory video).
It can be very enlightening to work out a Business Model Canvas yourself. When filling it out, you may discover building blocks that need attention. This video explains how the Business Model Canvas is used in business contexts.

Step 2
Compete a Business Model Canvas with public-private partnership founders 
Invite all partners to gather for a strategic conversation directed towards filling out the Business Model Canvas together. Keep in mind that each partner also has their own business models! Focus on the things you want to develop together.

Step 3
Complete multiple Business Model Canvases to articulate different concepts
Are partners consistently bringing in different concepts like network, platform, knowledge center, broker, counter or pilot project? This indicates that there are different mind-sets in the room. Develop a Business Model Canvas for each concept. 

Step 4
Agree on one business model for your public-private partnership 
Before you embark on your journey together, make sure you and your partners have agreed to use the same roadmap. The next thing you will do is prepare to test your model with customers and target groups in order to actually add value to your learning ecosystem.

Learn more

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