Urban Greening Expert Map


#Building networks #Circular economy #Center of Vocational Excellence #Tool #Green Deal

The European Platform for Urban Greening aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address climate adaptation, biodiversity and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among urban greening professionals in Europe. With the expert map below, the platform enables these professionals to find each other and identify each other’s specialisms. If you are working in the field of Urban Greening, either as a researcher, teacher or professional, we cordially invite you to put your profile on this map and become part of the European network of Urban Greeners.

Please note that using the map is completely voluntary and by providing your information through this form, you will add yourself to the Urban Greening Expert map. This map used by the European Platform for Urban Greening to connect Urban Greening professionals across Europe and is published on the platform’s website as well as on the websites of the platform’s partners. By providing your information, you accept that we publish the information you provided online. Also, please check our privacy statement.




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